The 3rd Annual Indian River Paddle Classic is now history. What another great event. Bryan Cheeks, tournament director, said "Congrats the to the 60 anglers competing in the 2011, 3rd Annual IRPC. On day made just for those fishing from a kayak. Without a ripple on the water and limited boat traffic, the fishing was surprisingly feast or famine. While some came back with stories of multiple large fish, others came back with nothing to brag about. Congrats to our "Kayak Kids" who were all given a medal and a new reel for participating!" Mosquito Creek Outdoors in Apopka donated two Engel ice chests, Florida and Florida State colors, and Coastal Charities and Strike Zone donated the yellow Ocean Kayak that were big raffle prizes.
Paddle Classic Tournament Results.
Redfish / Trout SLAM Category
1st Richard Zaremba
2nd Dilan Arnold
3rd Mitch Roffer
RED Category
1st Steve Gibson
2nd Doug Fisher
3rd Joyce Myers
TROUT Category
1st Nick Dyroff
2nd Jose Vidal
3rd John Dobbins
Lady Angler Award Elaine Christian
Jr. Angler Award Owen Wetzel
Visit http://www.indianriverkayakfishing.com/ for tournament phots and other information.
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